Home News Sara Rue Amazing Weight Loss Acheivement

Sara Rue Amazing Weight Loss Acheivement

In this article, I take an outsider looking in view of the amazing weight loss acheivement of well-known actress, Sara Rue after her successful dieting and exercise strategy paid off.

The new-look, super-slim Sara Rue, 31 is busy planning her 2011 wedding with fiancé Kevin Price following her incredible achievement in losing 50 pounds in an amazing weight loss success story spanning a year which saw her becoming the spokesperson for Jenny Craig.

A Perfect Size 6!

Sara Rue weight lossThe star of "Less than Perfect" achieved what many see as the perfect size 6 having whittled away at her former, rather bulkier size 14 when she started out.

Sara Rue achieved her fantastic weight loss accomplishment of dropping 50 pounds in under a year and she did it by eating healthy and combining a good diet with working out properly and regularly.

At first, she wasn't sure if joining Jenny Craig would be right for her. However, after sitting down and talking to CEO, Patti Larchet she felt it would be the right thing to do going public with her journey to slim down. At first her goal was to lose 30 pounds, because she felt that was more achievable.

It's always a good idea to set an achievable goal because you feel psychologically more able to meet it.

The first month was probably the hardest of all, as it meant having to deal with a lot of the emotional issues that come with losing weight. Jenny Craig gives you access to a personal consultant to help you through the days when you feel things are getting on top of you and you are losing belief that you can do it.

Getting Comfortable with the Program

The consultant talks you through your concerns and gets you back on track. Once she saw that the weight was dropping off through her combined diet and exercise efforts, Sara felt more comfortable with the program.

When she achieved her 30 pound target, she didn't stop there. She felt she could go further and so she upped her goal to 40 pounds. That came soon afterward and so not content to stop there, she kept going for the 50 pound target.

All the while, she kept her focus on the ultimate goal of looking and feeling great. While many would assume that goal was a certain number of pounds lost, the true goal is not so much the numerical figure but the physical one!

Having achieved a total weight reduction of 50 pounds in less than twelve months, Sara is confident of staying at her new weight and not getting ant thinner. She doesn't want to be a skinny girl like the catwalk models and is content to stay where she is. Which is looking very good from where we are standing!


Posted on Thu, 19 Aug 2010 in News | 0 Comments

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