Home Top 100 Weight Loss Tips Read The Labels on Food to Lose Weight

Read The Labels on Food to Lose Weight

Welcome back to yet another of my useful Top 100 weight loss tips. This post is article number 6 in the series that really does provide a great selection of tips to help you lose weight.

This post looks at one of the really important things you should be doing every time you walk around the supermarket to do your weekly shopping. Read the Labels!

That is if you really want to not just lose weight but improve your health at the same time, which, after all should be synonymous with each other.

Food Labels

It wasn't all that long ago when foods standards agencies made sweeping changes to the packaged food that we buy by forcing manufacturers to put nutritional information as well as a full list of ingredients on the packaging of foods. This enabled shoppers to discern exactly what they were buying so they could make informed decisions on whether to buy a product or not based on the nutritional and additive information provided.

In some ways this was good for consumers and the industry both. On the one hand it gave the industry indicators on what consumers were prepared to put up with. And on the other, for consumers to know what to buy and what to leave on the shelf.

How Does This Help You Lose Weight?

From a weight loss solutions point of view, this is also very useful in understanding which foods are more likely to cause weight gain and which are not. This is the reason that you should always read those labels and make very sure you understand what it is that you are buying.

That way you will have a better idea of what you will be putting into your body in the way of ingredients, additives (natural and artificial), salt and sugar and most importantly from our perspective, calories.

Yep, it's those good old calories again, but food packaging information allows you to plan your daily calorie intake allowance more closely by following the measures set out on that packaging. Of course you have to be aware that many manufacturers will put a calorie count per set amount of the product, so that it looks a lot better.

For instance, you may have a packet of food that weighs, say 2lbs, and the packaging information may quote say 200 calories per 4 ounce serving, or something like that. This tells you that you should be aware that if you eat the whole pack, you will not be consuming a mere 200 calories, but eight times that amount, which is closer to 1,600 calories!

So if you are serious and positive about losing weight and if you are reading this you most probably are, then read the labels of food before your buy. And if you do buy, then be sure to use the information on that label to work out how many calories each packaged food item will provide per serving and make sure you get it right!

100 Weight Loss Tips number 5 follows in the next post!


Posted on Tue, 08 Dec 2009 in Top 100 Weight Loss Tips | 1 Comments

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