Can Coffee Help You Lose Weight?

As a coffee lover, I have often wondered if drinking coffee can help you lose weight just by enjoying that fresh brewed beverage each morning.

As it turns out, it can as long as you follow a few common sense rules.

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can coffee help you lose weightHere's a summary:

What About Adding MCT Oil, Butter or Coconut Oil?

Some weight loss experts believe there is some added benefit in making ″bullet-proof″ coffee by adding either butter, MCT or Coconut oil to their brew.

Well, you can if you like the taste. However, personally I find adding anything to my coffee takes away the fresh, raw and unadulterated taste that I enjoy about it.

By keeping it simple, just black and strong, you'll get a metabolic boost from the caffeine in the brew as well as some health benefits from the polyphenols contained in the beans. I recommend brewing your cup of joe from the freshest beans you can get, because typically the fresher the beans and the lighter the roast, the higher levels of polyphenols you'll get.

What About Coffee Supplements for Weight Loss?

There are some coffee-based supplements available that claim to help you lose weight

One in particular springs to mind as I think about it. It's called Java Burn and it comes in a small sachet that you simply add to your morning coffee to get the maximum benefit.

I have a direct link to the maker of Java Burn that will give you a discount if you buy direct from them. Click the promotional image banner below to go direct to the official website:

As an affiliate of Java Burn I earn from qualifying sales

Alternatively, you can get it online from sellers on Amazon, which I don't always entirely trust. That's because there is no form of vetting of third party merchants who sell on Amazon whatsoever and I don't know where they're sourcing their product from.

It is much better is to get it direct from the official registered merchant who offers a full, 60 day 100% money back guarantee with no questions asked.

Summary: Do I Need to Supplement?

Let's face it, your goal is to lose weight and you're method-of-the-minute is coffee, so is it worth adding a supplement to the process?

Yes and no. By all means, try a popular weight loss supplement that goes with coffee like the one I highlighted above (Java Burn) but you can lose weight without it if you want.

The most effective methods to lose weight have changed over the years and what was believed to be the best way 10 years ago is no longer as effective. What works now is attention to diet, or being acutely aware of what you're allowing into your body.

I know many people don't want to be told they have to stop eating or drinking some of the things they enjoy because that's what is causing their weight gain. However, the truth can often be harsh when it conflicts with what we like to do and that is so true about what we consume each day.

Drinking a cup of black, fresh brewed coffee or two in the morning is a good way to jump-start your metabolism because of the way caffeine interacts with your body but if you want to see real results that are on-going and not a flash-in-the-pan, you are going to have to be strong and get disciplined with yourself and what you eat and drink.

You can read more about what I know works in this article.


Posted on Mon, 29 Apr 2024 in Weight Loss Resources | 0 Comments

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